NSB's "Back on Track" Safety Plan

May 11, 2020

Purpose: Compliance with Indiana’s Executive Order 20-26
Effective Date: May 11, 2020 – May 23, 2020 (required by the State of Indiana)

The bank has been implementing safety guidelines and splitting employee teams as part of our Pandemic Planning since March 23rd.  Our employees and customers health is a top priority while providing continuity with our banking services.  The following safeguards will be in place to ensure a safe environment for customers and employees by May11th.

  • All employees identified under CDC guidelines as “high risk” should contact Human Resources (HR).  Each situation is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  • All employees are to monitor themselves for fever, cough, and shortness of breath each day before reporting to work. Should any employee develop any of these symptoms, he/she should not report to work and should call Human Resources.
    • No employee is to return to work until he/she is free of any of the above symptoms for 72 hours or cleared by a doctor as deemed appropriate by HR.
  • The bank recommends employees to take their temperature each morning prior to reporting to work.  In addition, the bank will have screening stations set up at each branch with a forehead thermometer.  This is as an option for employees who do not have thermometers or get ill at work.   
    • Should an employee have a temperature of 100 or more; that employee is not to report to work and is to call HR.
    • No employee is to return to work until he/she is fever free for 72 hours, or cleared by a doctor as deemed most appropriate for situation by HR.
  • Any employee who falls ill or demonstrates symptoms described above during the workday will go home immediately and may not return until symptom free for 72 hours.
  • Absence policies are suspended. Attendance issues will be on a case-by-case basis.  
  • All customer-facing employees and designated customer meeting areas are equipped with a hygiene shield and facemask to help prevent the spread of illness.
  • All employees have access to hand sanitizer and a facemask.  The bank requires all employees to wear a facemask while conducting business face to face with customers even if a hygiene shield is available. 
  • All employees are to adhere to CDC social distancing guidelines as much as possible including:
    • Avoiding close contact by remaining 6 feet apart whenever possible
    • Discontinuing hand shaking and other physical contact
    • Avoiding physical attendance at functions with groups of 25 or more people. Employees should instead utilize conference calls, video conferencing, online training, etc. 
    • Staying in designated work areas as much as possible. Employees should utilize phone and email for communication and combine trips to printers, fax machines, etc. Employees should utilize the restroom closest to his/her workspace and avoid congregating in breakrooms.
  • Employees have access to cleaning and disinfecting products to regularly clean high-touch surfaces (at least once every 2 hours).  The use of scanning, sharing electronic files, elevators, and limiting floor access, and splitting lunchrooms in facilities are in place. 
    • Employees will disinfect after each customer encounter at our counter and face-to-face workstations.
    • Shared workspaces require disinfecting after each use. Keyboard, table, customer chairs. Pens will be the customers to take with them!
  • All employees should follow proper handwashing techniques and should cough/sneeze into elbows. Sanitize in and out of workspaces is encouraged. 
  • Signage is on display in our buildings to promote reminders for social distancing, sanitization, and symptoms.
  • The Napoleon State Bank will comply with all IOSHA standards.
Customers – Appointment Only: Contact Local Branch for Details
  • Any customer showing symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath) should not enter the lobby.
  • All customers are encouraged to utilize online, mobile, telephone, and drive through services whenever possible.
  • All customers identified under CDC guidelines as “high risk” should avoid entering branch lobbies. Customers should call 812-852-4002 or your branch for additional assistance.
  • Customers that enter our buildings are required to wear facemasks, utilize our automatic sanitizer, and greet the employee with a quick view of their full face before being serviced.
    • We will happily continue to service customers at our drive thru and other means when they are not comfortable to work with our safety guidelines or experience health concerns. 
  • All customers should adhere to CDC social distancing guidelines by staying six (6) feet apart. Our floors will be marked to guide you. 
  • All customers should follow proper handwashing technique as described on signs posted in the restroom, utilize hand sanitizer upon entry to bank, and should cough/sneeze into elbows. We will refrain from normal handshakes but greet you with great appreciation!